Organisation/DepartmentConstructionJob descriptionWebuild is hiring a Procurement Planner for its Bucharest branch officeResponsibilities include:• Preparing and managing systematic data collection; • defining the most effective tools for surveying data and procedures to adhere to;• Assuring the relevance, completeness and accuracy of the data;• Evaluating the efficiency of data collection processes and proposing corrective action, if required;• Uploading
Organisation/DepartmentConstructionJob descriptionWebuild is hiring a Procurement Planner for its Bucharest branch officeResponsibilities include:• Preparing and managing systematic data collection; • defining the most effective tools for surveying data and procedures to adhere to;• Assuring the relevance, completeness and accuracy of the data;• Evaluating the efficiency of data collection processes and proposing corrective action, if required;• Uploading
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