🚀 Ready to take the next step in your career? Join us!
We are searching for motivated and energetic professionals to fill the role of Field Operator in Ploiești! If you have a sharp eye for detail, enjoy hands-on work in the field, and are eager to be part of a dynamic and collaborative team, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!
👷 About Your Role: As a Field Operator, you’ll be on-site daily, performing well-structured control tasks in designated areas.
Here’s what to expect: 🏡 On-site work: You’ll inspect pipelines and distribution networks, mainly in urban areas, identifying leaks and losses. You’ll conduct measurements, document findings, and evaluate the network’s condition.
⚒️ Monitoring: Using specialized equipment, you’ll survey networks on foot and, when possible, with a specially equipped vehicle.
👨💻 Daily reporting: Inspections and measurements will be reported each day via a tablet with specialized software.
📖 Team alignment: You’ll participate in project kick-off meetings to receive clear guidelines and coordinate your activities.
⚖️ Continuous training: We provide training on the basics of electricity and gases, along with practical sessions on equipment maintenance.
⬆️ Your Profile: We’re looking for someone with a strong technical interest and ideally some experience in a technical field. Here’s what makes you a great fit: ▪️ Strong orientation skills and a practical, solution-focused mindset. ▪️ Independence paired with strong teamwork abilities. ▪️ A positive attitude and the maturity to manage freedom within defined boundaries. ▪️ Proficiency in MS Office (especially Excel) and a willingness to learn new systems and methods. ▪️ Category B driving license. ▪️ Proficiency in English. ▪️ Commitment to safety, quality, and environmental standards.
What We Offer:
🔹 A supportive work environment with a vibrant team of dedicated professionals.
🔹 Educational experiences and opportunities for professional development and growth.
🔹 A healthy, focused, and ambitious company with a strong reputation in its sector.
🔹 A competitive compensation package tailored to your skills and performance.
🚀 Ready to embark on this exciting journey with us?
You can also send your CV by e-mail to: sidonia.ilisan@randstad.ro
Or you can contact me for more details at: +40738 770 765
🚀 Ready to take the next step in your career? Join us!
We are searching for motivated and energetic professionals to fill the role of Field Operator in Ploiești! If you have a sharp eye for detail, enjoy hands-on work in the field, and are eager to be part of a dynamic and collaborative team, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!
👷 About Your Role: As a Field Operator, you’ll be on-site daily, performing well-structured control tasks in designated areas.
Here’s what to expect: 🏡 On-site work: You’ll inspect pipelines and distribution networks, mainly in urban areas, identifying leaks and losses. You’ll conduct measurements, document findings, and evaluate the network’s condition.
⚒️ Monitoring: Using specialized equipment, you’ll survey networks on foot and, when possible, with a specially equipped vehicle.
👨💻 Daily reporting: Inspections and measurements will be reported each day via a tablet with specialized software.
📖 Team alignment: You’ll participate in project kick-off meetings to receive clear guidelines and coordinate your activities.
⚖️ Continuous training: We provide training on the basics of electricity and gases, along with practical sessions on equipment maintenance.
⬆️ Your Profile: We’re looking for someone with a strong technical interest and ideally some experience in a technical field. Here’s what makes you a great fit: ▪️ Strong orientation skills and a practical, solution-focused mindset. ▪️ Independence paired with strong teamwork abilities. ▪️ A positive attitude and the maturity to manage freedom within defined boundaries. ▪️ Proficiency in MS Office (especially Excel) and a willingness to learn new systems and methods. ▪️ Category B driving license. ▪️ Proficiency in English. ▪️ Commitment to safety, quality, and environmental standards.
What We Offer:
🔹 A supportive work environment with a vibrant team of dedicated professionals.
🔹 Educational experiences and opportunities for professional development and growth.
🔹 A healthy, focused, and ambitious company with a strong reputation in its sector.
🔹 A competitive compensation package tailored to your skills and performance.
🚀 Ready to embark on this exciting journey with us?
You can also send your CV by e-mail to: sidonia.ilisan@randstad.ro
Or you can contact me for more details at: +40738 770 765
accelerați aplicația prin partajarea profilului
Vedeți ce va urma în procesul de aplicare. Aflați cum vă ajutăm să obțineți acel loc de muncă.
Aplicarea la noi este ușoară. Vă vom examina cererea și vom vedea dacă sunteți potrivit pentru job și companie.
Consultantul nostru vă va apela la un moment potrivit pentru a discuta despre cererea dvs. și despre aspirațiile viitoare de carieră.
În continuare, trebuie doar să verificăm câteva lucruri - vom face verificările de conformitate relevante și vă vom ține la curent.
Ca parte a procesului de asigurare a faptului că sunteți perfect pentru rol, vom lua legătura cu orice referințe relevante pe care le-ați furnizat.
Echipa noastră de experți va organiza fie un interviu pentru rolul pe care l-ați solicitat, fie dacă consideră că există o oportunitate mai bună, vor sugera și opțiuni alternative.
Ne vom asigura că sunteți pregătit pe deplin înainte de interviu și că veți ști exact la ce să vă așteptați - noroc!
Felicitări, sunteți gata să începeți noua dvs. slujbă. Echipa se va asigura că sunteți pe deplin pregătiți pentru prima dvs. zi.
Te vom ține la curent când vom avea posturi similare.
Te-ai abonat cu succes la alertele personalizate de joburi.