Webuild is seeking a skilled Geotechnical Engineer to join our team for a project design and building of highway.
Landslide Monitoring:
Conduct real-time monitoring of landslide-prone areas using advanced geotechnical tools and equipment.
Analyze slope stability and assess potential risks using geotechnical software.
Implement and oversee instrumentation for monitoring ground movement, water table fluctuations, and other critical factors.
Assessment and Reporting:
Perform site investigations and collect soil, rock, and groundwater data for analysis.
Prepare detailed geotechnical reports, including risk assessments and recommendations for preventive measures.
Communicate findings and propose actionable solutions.
Risk Mitigation and Design Support:
Design and recommend slope stabilization measures (e.g., retaining walls, drainage systems, soil nailing).
Supervise the implementation of geotechnical solutions and ensure compliance with project specifications.
Collaborate with design and construction teams to incorporate geotechnical insights into project planning.
The ideal candidate sought must have skill on the geological and geotechnical investigations with the aim of offering a systematic interpretation of the same, interfacing with designers to define and propose interventions to improve and reinforce the ground, the excavation fronts as well as the study of the stability of the site on which the work to be built is located.
He has to had experience in geotechnical engineering, in particular landslide assessment, risk mitigation strategies, knowledge in the design, techniques and methods in the construction of ground consolidation works to be integrated into the construction-ground system in the context of the project.
3-5 years of experience, in the infrastructure construction industry.
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Geotechnical, Construction Management, or a related field.
Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
Webuild is seeking a skilled Geotechnical Engineer to join our team for a project design and building of highway.
Landslide Monitoring:
Conduct real-time monitoring of landslide-prone areas using advanced geotechnical tools and equipment.
Analyze slope stability and assess potential risks using geotechnical software.
Implement and oversee instrumentation for monitoring ground movement, water table fluctuations, and other critical factors.
Assessment and Reporting:
Perform site investigations and collect soil, rock, and groundwater data for analysis.
Prepare detailed geotechnical reports, including risk assessments and recommendations for preventive measures.
Communicate findings and propose actionable solutions.
Risk Mitigation and Design Support:
Design and recommend slope stabilization measures (e.g., retaining walls, drainage systems, soil nailing).
Supervise the implementation of geotechnical solutions and ensure compliance with project specifications.
Collaborate with design and construction teams to incorporate geotechnical insights into project planning.
The ideal candidate sought must have skill on the geological and geotechnical investigations with the aim of offering a systematic interpretation of the same, interfacing with designers to define and propose interventions to improve and reinforce the ground, the excavation fronts as well as the study of the stability of the site on which the work to be built is located.
He has to had experience in geotechnical engineering, in particular landslide assessment, risk mitigation strategies, knowledge in the design, techniques and methods in the construction of ground consolidation works to be integrated into the construction-ground system in the context of the project.
3-5 years of experience, in the infrastructure construction industry.
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Geotechnical, Construction Management, or a related field.
Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
accelerați aplicația prin partajarea profilului
Vedeți ce va urma în procesul de aplicare. Aflați cum vă ajutăm să obțineți acel loc de muncă.
Aplicarea la noi este ușoară. Vă vom examina cererea și vom vedea dacă sunteți potrivit pentru job și companie.
Consultantul nostru vă va apela la un moment potrivit pentru a discuta despre cererea dvs. și despre aspirațiile viitoare de carieră.
În continuare, trebuie doar să verificăm câteva lucruri - vom face verificările de conformitate relevante și vă vom ține la curent.
Ca parte a procesului de asigurare a faptului că sunteți perfect pentru rol, vom lua legătura cu orice referințe relevante pe care le-ați furnizat.
Echipa noastră de experți va organiza fie un interviu pentru rolul pe care l-ați solicitat, fie dacă consideră că există o oportunitate mai bună, vor sugera și opțiuni alternative.
Ne vom asigura că sunteți pregătit pe deplin înainte de interviu și că veți ști exact la ce să vă așteptați - noroc!
Felicitări, sunteți gata să începeți noua dvs. slujbă. Echipa se va asigura că sunteți pe deplin pregătiți pentru prima dvs. zi.
Te vom ține la curent când vom avea posturi similare.
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