We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Geologist Tunnel, to join in Webuild team.
Main responsibilities :
● Plan geology projects (e.g. oil extraction, water pipe construction) and field sampling
● Survey sites and create logs (e.g. borehole) and maps using GIS;
● Gather and analyze geological data;
● Coordinate research programs;
● Examine the composition of samples and specimens;
● Measure and test fossils, rocks, soil, ores and other material with the proper instruments
(e.g. X-rays);
● Write reports on findings;
● Conduct quality control on the suitability of material (e.g. metals for construction
purposes) and inspect projects;
● Study sites for developments, formations, hazards, and composition;
● Investigate and evaluate natural resource deposits (e.g. oil);
● Consult on various geology-related issues like waste management, resource management,
gas extraction techniques and more;
● Ensure environmental and other regulations are met in construction and production
projects (e.g. oil wells).
● Proven experience as a geologist;
● Experience with various geological techniques like mining, boring and numerical
● Experience using geology software (e.g. ArcGIS, Rockware) and other data and modeling
tools (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, GoCAD);
● Familiarity with environmental regulations;
● Good knowledge of the attributes of ores, soil, minerals and other materials;
● Ability to handle and analyze data and 3D models;
● An analytical mind;
● Attention to detail;
● Great communication skills (oral and written);
● Organizational and teamwork ability;
● Degree in Geology or Geoscience.
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Geologist Tunnel, to join in Webuild team.
Main responsibilities :
● Plan geology projects (e.g. oil extraction, water pipe construction) and field sampling
● Survey sites and create logs (e.g. borehole) and maps using GIS;
● Gather and analyze geological data;
● Coordinate research programs;
● Examine the composition of samples and specimens;
● Measure and test fossils, rocks, soil, ores and other material with the proper instruments
(e.g. X-rays);
● Write reports on findings;
● Conduct quality control on the suitability of material (e.g. metals for construction
purposes) and inspect projects;
● Study sites for developments, formations, hazards, and composition;
● Investigate and evaluate natural resource deposits (e.g. oil);
● Consult on various geology-related issues like waste management, resource management,
gas extraction techniques and more;
● Ensure environmental and other regulations are met in construction and production
projects (e.g. oil wells).
● Proven experience as a geologist;
● Experience with various geological techniques like mining, boring and numerical
● Experience using geology software (e.g. ArcGIS, Rockware) and other data and modeling
tools (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, GoCAD);
● Familiarity with environmental regulations;
● Good knowledge of the attributes of ores, soil, minerals and other materials;
● Ability to handle and analyze data and 3D models;
● An analytical mind;
● Attention to detail;
● Great communication skills (oral and written);
● Organizational and teamwork ability;
● Degree in Geology or Geoscience.
accelerați aplicația prin partajarea profilului
Vedeți ce va urma în procesul de aplicare. Aflați cum vă ajutăm să obțineți acel loc de muncă.
Aplicarea la noi este ușoară. Vă vom examina cererea și vom vedea dacă sunteți potrivit pentru job și companie.
Consultantul nostru vă va apela la un moment potrivit pentru a discuta despre cererea dvs. și despre aspirațiile viitoare de carieră.
În continuare, trebuie doar să verificăm câteva lucruri - vom face verificările de conformitate relevante și vă vom ține la curent.
Ca parte a procesului de asigurare a faptului că sunteți perfect pentru rol, vom lua legătura cu orice referințe relevante pe care le-ați furnizat.
Echipa noastră de experți va organiza fie un interviu pentru rolul pe care l-ați solicitat, fie dacă consideră că există o oportunitate mai bună, vor sugera și opțiuni alternative.
Ne vom asigura că sunteți pregătit pe deplin înainte de interviu și că veți ști exact la ce să vă așteptați - noroc!
Felicitări, sunteți gata să începeți noua dvs. slujbă. Echipa se va asigura că sunteți pe deplin pregătiți pentru prima dvs. zi.
Te vom ține la curent când vom avea posturi similare.
Te-ai abonat cu succes la alertele personalizate de joburi.